Reducing the spread of respiratory infections, including COVID-19
A regular and thorough cleaning and hygiene regime is the most effective way of limiting the spread of respiratory infections. Please continue to follow the cleaning regimes when attending meetings by washing hands regularly and using hand sanitisers available across our sites.
Face masks or coverings are optional when attending meetings. Visitors are welcome to wear face masks or coverings as a precaution and everyone should be considerate of those that choose to do so.
A limited number of printed copies of the agenda pack will be available on the day of the meeting. Please access the RBFRS website for a digital copy.Fire Authority meetings are recorded and made available on rbfrs website. Committee meetings are not recorded.
No. | Item |
Representative Bodies Purpose: The Chair may, at his discretion, invite the Representative Bodies present to address the Management Committee once on any Part I item, on the prerequisite that the Representative Bodies advise the Chair at the commencement of the meeting of those Agenda items they wish to speak to. |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest Purpose: To receive Declarations of Interest from Members relating to items to be considered at the meeting, in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Authority’s Local Code of Conduct, and any from Officers. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2022 PDF 359 KB Purpose: That the minutes of the meeting and any recorded actions held on Tuesday 6 December 2022, be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Receipt of Announcements Recommendation: To receive announcements from the Chairman and / or Chief Fire Officer. |
Issues arising from the Audit and Governance Committee Recommendation: That it be noted that no reports have been referred by the Audit and Governance Committee. |
To note and recommend 2023/24 Budget to the Fire Authority for approval. Additional documents: |
Budget Monitoring Quarter Three PDF 235 KB Purpose:
To receive for note the estimated revenue outturn and to provide an update on capital projects at the end of quarter three (2022/23). Additional documents: |
Scheme of Member Allowances Annual Review PDF 221 KB Purpose:
To note and recommend the updated Scheme of Member Allowances Annual Review for Fire Authority approval. Additional documents: |
HMICFRS Inspection Results PDF 245 KB Purpose:
To note the contents of the report, and recommend that the Fire Authority note the findings of His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) report on the performance of Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service 2021/22. Additional documents: |
Quarter Three Appliance Availability by Crewing to meet Corporate Measures 16 and 17 PDF 248 KB Purpose:
To note 2022/23 Quarter Three performance of wholetime and on-call appliance availability in line with Corporate Measures 16 and 17. |
To note the Forward Plan. |
Date of next meeting Monday, 3 April 2023, 6.30pm at RBFRS Headquarters, Newsham Court, Pincents Kiln, Calcot, Reading RG31 7SD. |