Reducing the spread of respiratory infections, including COVID-19
A regular and thorough cleaning and hygiene regime is the most effective way of limiting the spread of respiratory infections. Please continue to follow the cleaning regimes when attending meetings by washing hands regularly and using hand sanitisers available across our sites.
Face masks or coverings are optional when attending meetings. Visitors are welcome to wear face masks or coverings as a precaution and everyone should be considerate of those that choose to do so.
A limited number of printed copies of the agenda pack will be available on the day of the meeting. Please access the RBFRS website for a digital copy.Fire Authority meetings are recorded and made available on rbfrs website. Committee meetings are not recorded.
No. | Item |
Accessible Agenda Pack and Urgent Item of Audit and Governance Committee on 3 November 2020 PDF 4 MB Additional documents: |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest Purpose: To receive Declarations of Interest from Councillors relating to items to be considered at the meeting, in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Authority’s Local Code of Conduct, and any from Officers.
Minutes of the Meeting held on 30 July 2020 PDF 255 KB Recommendation: That the minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2020 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Consideration of any matters properly referred to this Committee for decision Recommendation:
Members to note that there have not been any matters properly referred to this Committee for decision. |
External Audit Report PDF 132 KB Purpose: To receive for note an update from the External Auditors, and to note the contents of the letter sent by the Committee Chairman to EY regarding their proposed fee increase and EY’s response. Additional documents: |
Budget and Medium Financial Plan Assumptions Presentation Purpose:
To receive for note a presentation on the Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan Assumptions. |
Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme Presentation Purpose: To receive a presentation on Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme.
That the report and NFCC letter to the ESMCP dated 20 October 2020 be noted. Additional documents: |
Annual Governance Statement PDF 134 KB Purpose:
To agree the Annual Governance Statement 2019/20. Additional documents: |
Local Government Ethical Standards: Committee on Standards in Public Life PDF 137 KB Purpose:
To recommend to the Fire Authority to note the findings and actions from the audit against best practice made by the Committee on Standards in Public Life, and to recommend to the Fire Authority to agree the contents in the report. Additional documents:
Amendments to Contract and Financial Regulations PDF 223 KB Purpose:
To recommend to the Fire Authority that the amended Contract and Financial Regulations be agreed. Additional documents: |
Employee Code of Conduct PDF 144 KB Purpose:
To approve the revised Employee Code of Conduct. Additional documents: |
Quarterly Performance Report - Quarter 1 PDF 136 KB Purpose: To receive for note the performance against Service Provision and Corporate Health measures for the targets agreed by the Fire Authority for 2020/21. Appendix A – Quarterly Performance report is printed under a separate cover.
Additional documents: |
Date of next meeting Thursday, 28 January, 2021 at 6.30pm. Venue to be confirmed.