Reducing the spread of respiratory infections, including COVID-19
A regular and thorough cleaning and hygiene regime is the most effective way of limiting the spread of respiratory infections. Please continue to follow the cleaning regimes when attending meetings by washing hands regularly and using hand sanitisers available across our sites.
Face masks or coverings are optional when attending meetings. Visitors are welcome to wear face masks or coverings as a precaution and everyone should be considerate of those that choose to do so.
A limited number of printed copies of the agenda pack will be available on the day of the meeting. Please access the RBFRS website for a digital copy.Fire Authority meetings are recorded and made available on rbfrs website. Committee meetings are not recorded.
No. | Item |
Accessible Agenda Pack |
Apologies |
Declarations of Interest |
Minutes and recorded actions of the last meeting held on Monday 12 July 2021 PDF 200 KB |
Announcements from the Chairman |
Control National Operational Guidance Presentation |
TVFCS Budget 2022/23 - to agree PDF 151 KB Additional documents: |
TVFCS Members Workshop Summary 16 September 2021 - to agree PDF 229 KB |
Capita Contract Novation - to note PDF 147 KB Additional documents: |
TVFCS Performance Reports Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 2021/22 - to note PDF 128 KB Additional documents: |
Dates of Meetings in 2022/23 - to agree Monday 14 March 2022 (Workshop) – This date was previously agreed.
(The dates below to be provisionally agreed, and reviewed at the Workshop on 14 March 2022 due to published Local Authority meeting dates will not be available until the New Year)
From July 2022, meetings will be arranged by Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service.
- Monday 11 July 2022 (Annual Meeting) - Thursday 15 September 2022 (Workshop) - Thursday 15 December 2022 (Meeting) - Monday 20 March 2023 (Workshop)