Meeting attendance

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Christine Bateson Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Jane Stanford-Beale Committee Member Present
Councillor Tina McKenzie-Boyle Chairman Apologies
Councillor Anne Chadwick Committee Member Present
Councillor Avtar Cheema Committee Member Apologies due to council business
Councillor Tony Linden Committee Member Present
Councillor Harjinder Minhas Committee Member Apologies due to council business
Councillor Garth Simpson Committee Member Present
Councillor Simon Werner Committee Member Apologies
Hannah Sheehan Officer Expected
Democratic Support Secretary Expected
Tony Vincent Council Staff Expected
Graham Britten Council Staff Expected
Conor Byrne Officer Expected
Nikki Richards Officer Expected
Katie Mills Officer Expected
Steve Foye Officer Expected
Fayth Rowe Officer Expected