
Reducing the spread of respiratory infections, including COVID-19

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Face masks or coverings are optional when attending meetings. Visitors are welcome to wear face masks or coverings as a precaution and everyone should be considerate of those that choose to do so.

A limited number of printed copies of the agenda pack will be available on the day of the meeting. Please access the RBFRS website for a digital copy.Fire Authority meetings are recorded and made available on rbfrs website. Committee meetings are not recorded.

Venue: RBFRS Headquarters, Pincents Kiln, Newsham Court, Calcot, Reading RG31 7SD

Contact: Committee Team  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest


To Receive declarations of interest from Councillors relating to items to be considered at the meeting, in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Authority’s Local Code of Conduct, and any from Officers.


Minutes of the meeting held on 27 February 2017 pdf icon PDF 312 KB


That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 27 February 2017 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Petition and questions from the Public under Standing Orders 19 and 25


To note petition submitted to the Authority under Standing Order 19. Any local Government elector of the Combined Area who is a signatory may be present at the meeting, and may speak upon the petition for not more than five minutes. 

To Receive any questions from members of the public, in accordance with Standing Order 25.                                           


Receipt of Announcements


To Receive any announcements from the Chairman or the Chief Fire Officer.


Issues arising from the Audit and Governance Committee


That it be Noted that no reports have been referred by the Audit and Governance Committee.


Questions from Members under Standing Order 30


To Receive any questions from Members under Standing Order 30.


Notices of Motion under Standing Order 43



To Receive any Notices of Motion under Standing Order 43.


Recommendations of Committees


To note that the following agenda items have been recommended from:

·         Items 10, 11 and 12 from Management Committee on 3 April 2017



Summary Report of Responses to the Service Redesign Consultation - Prevention Proposals pdf icon PDF 305 KB


To provide Fire Authority members with a full and final summary feedback report of the responses to the Service Redesign consultation for the Prevention proposals, and to seek a decision on those Prevention proposals following conscientious consideration of the consultation feedback. The report will be supported by a presentation to Fire Authority members at the meeting.



Additional documents:


Summary Report of Responses to the Service Redesign Consultation - Protection Proposals pdf icon PDF 301 KB



To provide Fire Authority members with a full and final summary feedback report of the responses to the Service Redesign consultation for the Protection proposals and to seek a decision on those Protection proposals following conscientious consideration of the consultation feedback. The report will be supported by a presentation to Fire Authority members at the meeting.


Summary Report of Responses to the Service Redesign Consultation - Response Proposals pdf icon PDF 230 KB



To provide Fire Authority members with a full and final summary feedback report of the responses to the Service Redesign consultation for the Response proposals,  and to seek a decision on those Response proposals following conscientious consideration of the consultation feedback. The report will be supported by a presentation to Fire Authority members at the meeting.


Additional documents:


Adjournment and recommencement of Meeting


To adjourn and recommence the meeting.



Appointment of Deputy Chief Fire Officer and Assistant Chief Fire Officer pdf icon PDF 212 KB


To seek ratification of the Management Committee’s decision to appoint the new Deputy Chief Fire Officer (DCFO) and Assistant Chief Fire Officer (ACFO) onto the existing pay scales for these posts. (see Appendix A)

Additional documents:


The Firefighters Pension Scheme (England) Regulations 2014 Scheme Manager Discretions pdf icon PDF 136 KB


The purpose of this report is to advise the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority (RBFA) of the scheme manager discretions as contained in The Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (England) Regulations 2014, and to seek agreement to the policy position on the remaining 49 discretions that require consideration following the introduction of the new pension scheme, in April 2015.


Additional documents:


2017/18 Corporate Calendar - Fire Authority meetings and Committees pdf icon PDF 128 KB


To seek Fire Authority approval of the committee meeting dates and events in 2017/18.


Additional documents:


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 25 KB


That the Forward Plan be Noted.


Minutes of the Standing Committees



To note that the minutes of the following meetings were published on RBFRS website

·         Management Committee – 16 January 2017 (approved)

·         Audit and Government Committee – 6 December 2016 (approved)









Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 28 June 2017 (Annual Meeting), 6.30 pm in Lynda Kenyon Suite, RBFRS Headquarters, Newsham Court, Pincents Kiln, Calcot, Reading, Berkshire RG31 7SD.



Exclusion of the Public pdf icon PDF 268 KB



To Resolvethat under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972

(as amended), the public be excluded from the meeting for the following Agenda Items 

on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined

in the Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the said Act indicated

and is exempt information if, and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case,

the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in

disclosing the information.







Voluntary Scheme Pays - Firefighter Pension Scheme



To consider the position relating to voluntary scheme pay arrangements for a member of the 1992 Firefighter Pension Scheme. Please note this report is to follow.